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The material on this website (information, opinions or news) has not been audited by any independent body; it may be altered at any time without notice. No guarantee, express or implicit, is given by WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC or by any of the WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC companies as to the reliability, completeness or accuracy of the information or opinions on this website. Publication, communication to others, and reproduction of all or any of the contents of the website is prohibited, except with the express written consent of WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC. Neither WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC., nor their representatives, managers or employees accept liability for any losses directly or indirectly resulting in any manner whatsoever from use of this website or of information in any way attributable to it. Content of the website is not an invitation to invest in any financial instrument, nor an invitation to subscribe or purchase shares, nor is any part thereof intended to serve as a basis or reference source for any contract or undertaking whatsoever on the part of WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC. The logos and brands that appear on the website are the property of WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC, that is, WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC has all legal rights over them. They may not be used on other means of communication or on any other internet site without the advance written consent of WORLD BOTTLING CAP, LLC.
